Do You Know How To Set Up The NHS Covid Pass Verifier App For Your Event?

Once we get back to in-person events, we'll need to get people into our events in a Covid safe manner and the key to that is to be prepared. You'll need to make sure that everyone has pre-booked with no walk-ins and they need to have pre-loaded an NHS app which will make the process go smoothly. The essential thing is to make sure you know exactly who's attended and that you've checked them via the NHS Covid Pass app.
Step 1 Setting up the event
When setting up your event, explain that all attendees will need to have loaded the NHS Covid Pass app and that only pre-registered attendees will be allowed to enter the venue.
Step 2 Personnel
Arrange for at least 2 people, or pairs of people if you're expecting a high volume, to welcome and register your delegates to your event. One person will be checking using the NHS Covid Pass Verifier app and the other will register everyone via Plus4Events. Station them so that the two queues will not mingle and have enough people to cope with a large influx at any one time.
If you're unsure how to load and use the Check-in Desk, read our Check-in Desk guide and the Check-in QR/Barcode Scanner guide.
Step 3 Preparation
The person checking the NHS Covid Pass Verifier app (it's the yellow one) will need to pre-load it onto their phone. It's quite hard to find but here's how: search in your App Store for the NHS App and instead of installing it, tap the Publisher which is Department of Health and Social Care and then it will show you both the NHS Covid 19 App and the NHS Covid Pass Verifier App. You'll need the Verifier App - install it from here:
To start using the Verifier App, open it, then direct the camera over the QR code, getting the code in the square as best you can and you'll briefly see the QR code verified. You can also find details here on how to use it:
Step 4 On the day
Get your people in place. Direct your attendees to the first queue to get their NHS Covid Pass checked. If they pass, they can move onto the second queue. If they fail or have failed to pre-register, they will not be able to gain entry for your event.
The attendees then are checked in via the Plus4Events app to confirm their attendance. This is vitally important as it's not uncommon for about 33% of your registered attendees no to turn up so you need to have accurate attendance records.
Step 5 The exit strategy
Not only do you have to get people into your event safely but they also need to exit safely. Have a plan in place for people to exit the venue, via the comfort break facilities if necessary and have enough people in place to guide your delegates out of the venue.
With your plans and people in place, you should have a successful and safe event.
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