Can You Use AI To Organise An Event?

Can you use AI to organise an event?
I love using BARD and this time I asked it 'How do I organise a business breakfast networking meeting?'
BARD came up with the following tips:
- Set a goal for the meeting
- Choose the right date and time
- Find a suitable location
- Create a guest list
- Plan the agenda
- Promote the event
- Follow up after the event
So, there's not much missing from that list!
I asked about a theme for a networking event and it came up with:
- Industry trends
- Business successes
- Personal development
- Networking
with the added advice that the theme needs to be relevant for the audience and help achieve the meeting's goals. It also suggested some additional tips for choosing a theme:
- What are the target audience's interests
- Does the theme match the meeting's goal
- Is the theme appropriate for the setting
- Think outside the box
'What about the best venue for a breakfast meeting?' came up with suggestions way above my and my attendees' budgets but BARD did add that the location needs to be convenient, the atmosphere needs to be right, the catering is appropriate and the price needs to be within budget. All things that event profs would think about but worth pointing out again.
The important question next, speaker suggestions and I asked the question in two different ways. The results I got back first are way, out of my league for my small business networking meetings, but I suppose you never know.
The next suggestion was a bit more realistic:
- Local entrepreneurs
- Local thought leaders
- Local experts
- Authors
I hadn't thought of asking authors before, so I'll have to do some research to find some appropriate ones.
I then asked how I should end the event on a high point:
- Recap the key points from the presentation (if you had a speaker)
- Play some music
- Take photos
The suggestions that BARD came up with are standard responses; the only exception to this was the inclusion of local authors which may be appropriate occasionally. The key thing about AI is that it will feed back to us what it can already find on the internet. It cannot come up with its own suggestions. As we ask it more questions, it will become better educated and feed back better answers.
If it can solve the problem of organising an event, my next question could be 'how do I perform heart surgery?' but BARD declined to answer and referred me to a doctor! That's a relief!
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